How to Fix “Lenovo Camera Not Working” Error [Best Guide]

If you notice that your Lenovo ThinkPad camera doesn’t work properly, you would like to know the reasons behind the error.

Why is my Lenovo camera not working? How can I fix the issue of the Lenovo webcam not working on a windows 10 laptop?

There could be various questions that may hit your mind when you notice that the camera of your Lenovo isn’t working.

Do you want to learn how to fix this problem? If so, then you need to keep reading this informative guide.

How Do I Fix Lenovo Camera Not Working Issue?

Usually, people want to learn how they can fix their Lenovo camera not functioning issue. You aren’t supposed to be an exception.

You would surely like to know the step-by-step process of fixing the Lenovo camera isn’t working issue.

The first method that you can do when you notice that your Thinkpad camera isn’t functioning is to confirm whether the privacy slider camera is open or not.

Having confirmed this point, now you need to confirm whether the privacy mode of the Lenovo camera is turned off or not.

There could be various reasons when you notice that a webcam or camera isn’t working.

If you notice that the webcam isn’t working on your laptop, you need to check whether the webcam is detected or not. If the application may not use it, it won’t function.

What Are the Common Reasons behind Lenovo Thinkpad Camera Isn’t Working Issue?

When you detect that your Lenovo camera not working, you need to know the reasons behind the same.

Let’s check out a few common errors behind the camera not responding:

  • The camera app simply shows a photo, but it simply freezes or closes after a short time.
  • Your laptop webcam may turn on, and then turn off quickly.
  • Your computer or device may not be able to detect the camera or webcam.
  • You notice that there is a crossed-out image on your camera icon.

How to Fix Camera not working through Privacy Slider

It is noted that most laptop models come incorporated with a privacy slider or shutter, especially over the camera.

Thinkpad isn’t an exception. You can detect a privacy shutter next to the given camera. You can easily move the given slider especially to cover up the camera or webcam.

Here, one point should be noted most individuals don’t know that their Lenovo devices come with a privacy slider for the camera. So, you need to find out the privacy slider or shutter in your device.

You can find it adjacent to the given camera. Now, you just need to turn it off to make your Lenovo camera work again.

Fix Lenovo Camera Not Working Issue by Adjusting Camera Settings

You need to remember that Lenovo Thinkpad devices come incorporated with Lenovo vantage. So, you need to use Lenovo vantage privacy mode to adjust camera settings in order to make the camera function again.

For this, you need to follow the given below steps:

Step-1: Go to my device settings option.

Step-2: Here, you need to navigate Display & Camera option.

Step-3: Now, you need to turn off the camera privacy mode.

Step-4: You can easily enable and disable the feature using the settings.

Step-5: In case of an outdated version, you need to update the same to eliminate the Lenovo webcam not working issue.

How to Fix Lenovo Webcam Not Working Issue by Checking Windows 10 Privacy Settings

If you are using a windows 10 laptop, you need to accept the fact that it has privacy settings that can help you enable and disable access to the given camera.

Hence, when you notice that the Lenovo webcam isn’t working, you make changes to its settings. You need to choose Allow Apps to Access Camera option from the given settings. Apart from that you also need to switch on the camera. For this,

You need to make changes to settings by following the stated below points:

Step-1: Navigate for settings in your Windows 10 laptop.

Step-2: Go to the privacy option.

Step-3: Click on the Camera option.

Step-4: Find out which application can access your camera.

Step-5: Now, you just need to turn on the settings to allow apps to access your camera.

How Windows Device Manager Can Help you Fixing Lenovo Camera Not Responding Issue

If you couldn’t make the camera function despite trying the above-mentioned methods, you need to look at nowhere else but the Windows device manager.

You need to evaluate the status of drivers. You need to remember that uninstalling the driver may often fix the problem.

So, let’s check out how you can do it:

Step-1: Go to Windows 10 settings.

Step-2: Navigate for the Device Manager option.

Step-3: Choose the imaging devices option.

Step-4: Confirm whether a specific device is disabled or not.

Step-5: Find out drivers that should be uninstalled.

Zoom or Other Applications Are Not Detecting Camera

It might be possible that you are using specific video calling or other apps. Thus, you need to make sure that your application such as Zoom should find the camera. But there are situations when the app may not be able to detect the camera.

It could be a reason behind Lenovo camera isn’t working issue. Now, the question arises here how you can resolve this problem?

For this, you need to follow the stated below steps:

Step-1: First of all, you need to turn your camera off. Now, you need to start the desired application such as Zoom.

Step-2: Having done the above-mentioned trick usually can help you resolve the problem Lenovo camera not working.

Step-3: It’s seen that due to an on-camera, most of the users often have to deal with the camera not working issue.

Step-4: You can also restart your windows10 device. It’s seen that restarting often fixes the issue.

Step-5: If you are still dealing with the Lenovo webcam not working issue, you need to uninstall the application.

Step-6: For instance, if your zoom app isn’t capable of accessing your Lenovo camera; you need to uninstall the zoom app from the device.

Step-7: Now, you need to reinstall the same app to access the camera. Uninstalling and installing the apps can easily resolve the camera not responding issue in Lenovo.